It's a Public Art project, an Performance/Installation that in order to enhance the artistic intervention in public space and transform a truly privileged stage for Visual Poetry. Colored by red and white, PASSAGE; includes a Performance of Physical Theatre in Stilts, using Mask Technique, and an Installation created entirely with reuse objects and materials, which here gain a new form and life, keeping saved however, their own stories.
A piece awarded in 2022 by the Jury from TAC Festival Internacional de Teatro y Artes de Calle de Vallolidid with the Best Show Award, in 2013 receives by MONTENEGRO ASSITEJ International Association of Theaters for Children and Young People, upon the participation in Kotor International Theater Festival for Children, the Special Mention for artistic relevance of the project and new sensitivity level achieved, as referenced by Anna Jazgarska with the critical for one of the best performances of the 2014 edition of FETA International Street and Open-Air Theater Festival of Gdansk on the Magazine of Theatre and Performance
A Performance that tells the history of four old travelers, who walk among a universe of suspended objects, where through the memories of the past, that wrapped their lives, they find a new journey, fulfilled by an Installation in a form of poetic Interference that explores in the commonplace what the best it as, its multiplicity of sensations and feelings, making it unique by the environment that surrounds it, emerging this form from oblivion and routine, transforming this common place in a ephemeral place of contemplation.
Production: PIA Projectos de Intervenção Artística CRL
Author, Artistic Direction and Plastic Conception: Pedro Leal
Production Direction and Audiovisual: Helena Oliveira
Costumes: Maria João Domingues, Olinda Cordas, Filomena Godinho
Installation and Masks: Pedro Leal
Light Draw and Operation: João Nunes
Sound Design: Álvaro Presumido
Assistance: Pedro Vicente, Sara Araújo
Creation and Interpretation: Helena Oliveira, Mafalda Cabral, Ricardo Mondim, Sylvain Peker, Tiago Augusto
Special thanks to...
Joaquim Batista Dias, Miguel Cabral, Ricardo Brás, Paulo Morais (Video), Luís Fernandes (Video), Luís Amarelo (Interpretation), Filipe Couto (Video), Rui Rodrigues, Paulo Vargues (Operation), João Lopes (Operation), Associação de Reformados e Pensionistas de Pinhal Novo, Vidreira Pinhal Novo, Vidreira Moderna da Moita and ATA - Associação Teatral Artimanha
Festival FITS, Sibiu (Romania) / Photo by Mihail Nistor
Festival FITS, Sibiu (Romania) / Photo by Mihail Nistor
Festival FITS, Sibiu (Romania) / Photo by Mihail Nistor
Festival FITS, Sibiu (Romania) / Photo by Mihail Nistor
Festival TAC, Valladolid (Spain) / Photo by El Norte de Castilla
Jelenia Gora (Poland) / Photo by Tomasz Raczynski
Festival TAC, Valladolid (Spain) / Photo by El Norte de Castilla
Jelenia Gora (Poland) / Photo by Tomasz Raczynski
Festival B-Fit in the Street! Bucareste (Romania) / Photo by Petru Ivu
Jelenia Gora (Poland) / Photo by Tomasz Raczynski
Jelenia Gora (Poland) / Photo by Tomasz Raczynski
Feria de Teatro de Castilla y León, Ciudad Rodrigo (Spain) / Photo by Jose Vicente
Festival FETA, Gdsank (Poland) / Photo by Monika Goldzmidt
Jelenia Gora (Poland) / Photo by Tomasz Raczynski
Barreiro (PT) / FPhoto by Hedah Vianna
Festival FETA Gdsank (Poland) / Photo by Tomek Dresler
Festival FETA Gdsank (Poland) / Photo by Ktos Na Przyczepke
Festival Kaldearte, Vitoria (Basque Country) / Photo by El Coreo
Festival Kaldearte, Vitoria (Basque Country) / Photo by El Coreo
Festival Kaldearte, Vitoria (Basque Country) / Photo by Pedro Mendonça
Festival Kaldearte, Vitoria (Basque Country) / Photo by Pedro Mendonça
Festival Kaldearte, Vitoria (Basque Country) / Photo by Pedro Mendonça
Festival ALUMBRA, Sevilha (Spain) / Photo by de Pepo Herrera
Festival ALUMBRA, Sevilha (Spain) / Photo by de Pepo Herrera
Festival ALUMBRA, Sevilha (Spain) / Photo by de Pepo Herrera
Festival FITS, Sibiu (Romania) / Photo by Mihail Nistor
Festival FITS, Sibiu (Romania) / Photo by Mihail Nistor
Festival FITS, Sibiu (Romania) / Photo by Mihail Nistor
Festival FITS, Sibiu (Romania) / Photo by Mihail Nistor
Festival FITS, Sibiu (Romania) / Photo by Ovidiu Matiu
Festival OITO24, Espinho (PT) / Photo by FestivalOITO24
Festival OITO24, Espinho (PT) / Photo by FestivalOITO24
Festival FARB; Barreiro (PT)
Festival FARB; Barreiro (PT)
Festival FITEI,  Porto (PT) / Photo by Susana Neves
KOTOR Festival (Montenegro) / Photo by Dusko Miljanic
Festival Kaldearte, Vitoria (Basque Country) / Photo by Pedro Mendonça
Festival FARB; Barreiro (PT)
Festival FARB; Barreiro (PT)
Festival VIDE, Castelo de Vide (PT)
Festival VIDE, Castelo de Vide (PT)
Festival VIDE, Castelo de Vide (PT)
Festival FARB; Barreiro (PT)
Festival VIVA CITÉ, Sotteville-lès-Rouen (France) / Photo by Corine Meyran
Festival VIVA CITÉ, Sotteville-lès-Rouen (France) / Photo by Annie Pétrel
Festival FITS, Sibiu (Romania) / Photo by Alexandra Micu
Festival FITS, Sibiu (Romania) / Photo by Alexandra Micu
Festival FITS, Sibiu (Romania) / Photo by Alexandra Micu
Festival VIDE, Castelo de Vide (PT)
Festival VIDE, Castelo de Vide (PT)
All Rights Reserved © Cooperativa Cultural PIA | Webdesign by Helena Oliveira