PLACES HAVE SOUL accumulating the stories of time and from the people who passed through them, transforming with those who inhabit them, at the same time maturing them in their influence. We are born belonging to places, we grow up in places, we appropriate them, we abandon them and in nostalgia we return, leaving them a part of us, building our identity through them, also taking part in the cultures that define them.
Based on the Place or the idea of Place, this workshop invites to a space for sharing, exploring and developing artistic tools that help in the creative process for the public space, involving forms and languages approached by the company throughout its trajectory, combining with the artistic expressions of each participant.
Having the Place as a vehicle for inspiration, as the bearer of an identity, its own unique and singular characteristics, the objective of this workshop is to develop ways of interpreting it, creating viewpoints for analysis and reflection, providing space for creation from the imaginary of a story/message, from the relationships with the artistic body, individual and collective, and the elements of the space they inhabit.
The Workshop is directed by Pedro Leal and Helena Oliveira, creators and founding members of Company PIA.
Target audience: Professionals and enthusiasts from the most varied performing areas in Street Arts
Hours: 18 hours
Number of Participants: Minimum 8 participants / Maximum 15 participants