Enigmatic characters look for their Queen to prepare the birth ceremony…
Strange beings born and transform themselfes, reproduce and die. In a clumbsy and exiciting dance, half-human, half-insect creatures discover the world by passing for the different stage of the life cicle.
From the first scream to the death, they learn the pain, the metamorphoses soffer, the food, the pleasure and the sex, taking conscience of their destination.
Production: PIA Projectos de Intervenção Artística
Artistic Direction and Plastic Conception: Pedro Leal
Stating and Actors Direction: Sylvain Peker
Scenography Construction Team: Pedro Leal, Alberto Carvalhal, João Correia, Conceição Veiga, José Gustavo
Light Draw and Operation: José Gustavo
Interpretation: Alberto Carvalhal, Helena Oliveira, João Correia, Pedro Leal, Sylvain Peker
Pinhal Novo (Portugal) / Photo by Adelino Chapa
Pinhal Novo (Portugal) / Photo by Adelino Chapa
Pinhal Novo (Portugal) / Photo by Adelino Chapa
Pinhal Novo (Portugal) / Photo by Adelino Chapa
Pinhal Novo (Portugal) / Photo by Adelino Chapa
Pinhal Novo (Portugal) / Photo by Adelino Chapa
Pinhal Novo (Portugal) / Photo by Adelino Chapa
Pinhal Novo (Portugal) / Photo by Adelino Chapa
Pinhal Novo (Portugal) / Photo by Adelino Chapa
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